Tatoi Club | equiped by BASI Systems

TATOΪ Club is a private members club situated amidst a beautiful natural landscape not far from the city of Athens. At the core of its philosophy is a holistic approach to wellness. The Club focuses on the overall wellbeing of its Members and Guests by offering a wide range of tailored experiences that both complement and complete each other.

TATOΪ Clubs offers a wide range of Memberships for individuals and families. It also offers an opportunity for Corporate Membership. To enroll in the TATOΪ Club’s Register, submission of an application is required, along with the written recommendations from two current Members.

  • BASI Systems
  • 22 Erythreas Rd, 136 77 Varibobi
  • 22 Erythreas Rd, 136 77 Varibobi
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